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Students at KP

Housing for exchange students

University College Copenhagen (KP) assists enrolled exchange students in finding furnished housing during their stay at KP. Please note that since we cannot guarantee to find housing for all students we strongly recommend you to familiarise yourself with the conditions for finding housing for students in the greater Copenhagen area.

Please find relevant and important information on Study in Denmark. In addition, you can find information on international.kk.dk.

Be careful when looking for housing on your own and never pay anything in advance.

We recommend that you start looking for accommodation a few months before your arrival in Denmark or as soon as you have been accepted to a study programme, as it can be very difficult to find accommodation in the greater Copenhagen area. Remember to look for furnished housing. Student residences are usually not furnished, except the ones offered by KP Housing service. Private accommodations are normally furnished.

You can read more about finding housing at Study in Denmark.

Avoiding housing scams

Remember to be careful if you search for housing on different online housing portals, and never pay in advance. Unfortunately, we experience students being victims of fraud almost every semester, where they are tricked into paying for housing in advance. Either the address does not exist or the person living there has nothing to do with the rental offer. Read more about how to avoid housing scams at Study in Denmark under their section ‘Avoid housing scams’.


If you are looking for accommodation for a shorter period or if you have not been able to find a place to stay during your study, KP recommends that you search for hostels in the Copenhagen area as this is usually the cheapest form of accommodation.

KP strives to find accommodation for as many incoming students as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee to find housing for all students due to the shortage of housing in the greater Copenhagen area.

Be aware that if KP Housing send you a housing offer it will be the only one you receive. If you reject the housing offer or miss the deadline for completing the process, the room will be offered to the next student on the waiting list.

Incoming students will be housed in either private homes or student residences with other students. Please note that student residences are not separated by gender so you might share common facilities such as kitchen and bathroom with students of mixed gender. If you are offered a double room at a student residence you will always share room with a student of the same gender.

Please be prepared that the commute from your home to KP might be between half an hour and an hour each way, this is not unusual in the greater Copenhagen area.

When to apply for housing

You have to be nominated by your home institution for an exchange program at KP.

When you have been nominated, you will receive a link from KP to an online application form that you must complete and submit. In the online application, you can also apply for KP Housing.

You will then hear from KP Housing 1-2 moths after the application deadline.

Payment information

Rent is paid on a monthly or full semester basis depending on the type of accommodation. A deposit may also be charged up front.

If the rent is charged for each semester, it will be independent from the actual study period of the semester.

Housing in the Copenhagen area is generally expensive, with prices varying between DKK 4700-7500 per month. Some places will charge rent for the entire semester up front.

Types of accommodation

KP offers a wide range of different accommodation for students. This can either be in a student residence, a room in a privately-owned apartment or a house through a private landlord. Please note that we are unable to accommodate any specific preferences.

Room in student residence

The student residences are located in the greater Copenhagen area. Depending on your study institution or placement, you may expect a daily commute of up to one hour each way.

Student residence rooms are simply furnished with a minimum of a bed, desk, desk chair, closet and a lamp. There will also be a towel, bedding and linen available. Bathrooms are either private or shared with other students. The kitchen is typically shared with other students.

Upon arrival, you will receive further information about keys or door code.

Private accommodation

KP Housing can facilitate contact to a limited number of single and double rooms in private homes through private landlords.

The room will be furnished, and you will have access to kitchen, bathroom and internet.

If you accept the housing offer, you and the landlord are responsible for agreeing on the terms of your accommodation, e.g. the rental agreement, the procedure for payment and return of deposit, the handover of keys and any other practical matters

Hvad tilbyder vi?

I forårssemesteret og i efterårssemesteret modtager vi en masse studerende fra hele verden og lige netop derfor har vi brug for din hjælp.

De studerende læser forskellige former for uddannelser der kan relateres til de danske velfærdsuddannelser. De kommer fra mange forskellige universiteter, højskoler eller lignende fra hele verden. Hos os læser de som regel kurser på læreruddannelsen, pædagoguddannelsen, socialrådgiveruddannelsen og sygeplejerskeuddannelsen, men også mange af vores mindre uddannelser har internationale studerende. Du kan finde mere information om de uddannelser der har internationale studerende på kp.dk

Vi stiller krav til at de studerende har et højt niveau af engelsk, hvilket også er stillet som krav i vores partneraftaler med de udenlandske institutioner. De studerende behersker derfor som minimum engelsk på B1 niveau og derfor skulle det ikke være er problem at kommunikere med dem på hverken skrift eller tale.

At bo sammen med en person fra en anden kultur giver en mulighed for vores danske udlejere til at styrke deres interkulturelle kommunikation og samtidig se tingene andre menneskers perspektiv. Nogle udlejere ser det som en mulighed for at øve sig i andre sprog. Vores udlejere giver samtidig vores internationale studerende, muligheden for at opleve den danske kultur direkte inde fra stuen.

Vær opmærksom på at der ikke er nogen forventning om at du hverken laver mad til dem, gør rent efter dem og hvor meget social interaktion du ønsker med en international studerende, er helt op til dig selv.

Hvordan fungerer ansøgnings- og indkvarteringsproceduren?

Du skal kontakte os på housing@kp.dk hvis du har interesse i at leje et eller flere værelser ud eller eventuelt din lejlighed. Herefter sender vi dig et registreringsskema som du skal udfylde med information om lejemålet og ønsker til en mulig lejer.

Vi indkvarterer de studerende efter det der matcher bedst til deres og dine ønsker. Vi sender den studerende et tilbud som de har ca. 72 timer til at svare på. Hvis den studerende ikke kontakter dig, skriver eller ringer du til os, så prøver vi at finde en ny studerende og sende et tilbud til.

For yderligere information, se venligst vores side med praktisk information.

How to apply for accommodation through KP Housing

Please read the information about housing in the section ‘Housing for exchange students’ above.

All international exchange students are required to obtain insurance before arrival. For further information, please read the information about insurance carefully.

KP does not offer any insurance policies, this is typically handled by your regular insurance company in your home country.

For help regarding insurance, please contact the international coordinator from your home institution or ask previous exchange students on how they went about with their insurance.

Before the housing application open, you will receive an email with information on how to apply for housing, including a link to the housing application page.

Follow the link to get to the application form for housing.

Please fill in all of the mandatory sections in the housing application form before submitting the application.

Due to shortage of housing options, please send your application as soon as the application procedure opens.

Wait for us to process your application. If we have a housing offer for you, you can expect to receive the offer approximately within two to six weeks after you have applied. Please notice that due to the limited number of housing opportunities we cannot guarantee that you will be accommodated via KP’s housing services. However, we will do our best to provide you with a housing offer.

The housing offer will be sent to your KP study mail, so please check your inbox regularly. We kindly ask you to respond promptly once we have made you an offer. If you choose to reject the housing offer or miss the deadline for submitting the application, the room will be offered to the next student on the waiting list.

After accepting your housing offer, you will be contacted by your respective landlord or place of residence. Here, you will receive further information on the rental agreement, payment details, key pickup and move-in dates. Other practical issues should be dealt directly with the landlord or place of residence.

You should pay the rent for the housing through online banking, or at a bank or postal office. You are responsible for any transfer and exchange costs.

Rent should be paid and received in Danish krone (DKK). If the rent is transferred in Euro, the amount must cover all bank fees, transfers and exchange costs.

If the full amount is not paid you will be charged and will not be able to move into the place of residence until the payment has been made.

Full semester payments must be paid ahead of your arrival, following the specific instructions provided by your landlord. You may also be charged a deposit up front upon arriving at your housing offer. Please notice that you are liable to pay rent for the whole duration of the semester, even if you arrive late or move out early.

Please note that the tenancy agreement is non-negotiable, and the rent is non-refundable.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding housing, please send an email to housing@kp.dk