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Communication in Education


The aim of this module is that students develop an understanding of communicative approaches in the context of teaching. Students will understand the importance of modern information and communication technologies and will enhance their scientific communication skills.

In particular they will be introduced to the sociological and psychological concept of communication and the concept of resonance pedagogy. Above that they will be dealing with the concept of creative classrooms and develop a practical approach to communicative language teaching.

Learning aims

Knowledge aims – the student knows about:

  • Communicative approaches in the context of teaching
  • The concept of “Creative Classroom Framework” and its application to language learning
  • The key elements for developing “Creative Classrooms”
  • The concept of resonance pedagogy and
  • Digital teaching tools

Skills aims – the students will:

  • Enhance their reflection abilities
  • Enhance personality traits underlying communication skills
  • Be able to apply personality traits in the teaching profession
  • Understand the concept of “creative classrooms” as a multidimensional concept.
  • Apply digital tools in language education (comics, videos)
  • Get to know and learn how to apply digital tools for teaching in a communicative way


European Commission (2015): Youth Report 2015. Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/assets/eac/youth/library/reports/youth-report-2015_en.pdf [19.10.2017]
Giddens A. (2006). Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press
Giddens, A., Fleck, C. & Egger de Campo, M. (2009). Soziologie. Graz: Nausner & Nausner.
Rosa, H. (2016). Resonanz. Eine Soziologie der Weltbeziehung. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
Rosa, H. & Endres, W. (2016). Resonanzpädagogik. Wenn es im Klassenzimmer knistert. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz.
UNICEF. (2013). Child Well-being in Rich Countries: A comparative Overview. Retrieved from http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/rc11_eng.pdf [25.07.2017]


Mandatory tasks and assignments

  1. Read and evaluate scientific studies related to the topic covered.
  2. Developing criteria applicable to student teaching and student teacher training
  3. Identify aspects of alienation in the educational system
  4. Integrate the creative classroom framework and the prior experiences of the school
  5. Create a comic
  6. Create a stop-motion video.
  7. Plan a digital class using programs and apps covered in the course

Mandatory tasks for project days at schools:

  1.  Develop criteria for class observation during project days
  2. Do you recognize any aspects of creative classrooms during your traineeship day? If yes, which ones? If no, where could they have been integrated in your opinion? Take notes and discuss with your group the following day.
  3. Observe classes according to whether they implement communicative language learning approaches. Take notes and discuss with your group the following day.

Assessment and grading

This course unit is graded based on students’ participation and performance.


  • Attendance: Students must participate at least 90% of teaching hours and international practicum.


  • Active class participation
  • Oral presentations
  • Students must hand in all required tasks and assignments.
  • E-portfolio about the module

Course portfolio: During the semester program, students work on a course portfolio. At the end of the semester program, each student chooses one aspect of his / her portfolio, which he/she reflects on and presents.

Product from this course for the course portfolio

Reflection about the different aspects of the module.